Social media, social media
What is a social media
The facebook, the whatsapp
The instagram and the snapchat
Are all examples of social media
It is almost like an encyclopedia
Social media, social media
Why do people like social media
For it gives them chance to connect
With their family and friends
And also to reconnect with people
With whom their relations never end
Social media, social media
There much problem with social media
The friend we lost years back
Can be connected through Facebook
But many people today
Have forgotten life's real look
Social media, social media
Everything's not wrong with social media
It connects us with the world
And even tells us about the underworld
It can also tell us about the moon
So social media is a boon
Social media, social media
Many things are wrong with social media
Today people just stay hooked
Into things like facebook
And things can be even worse
Therefore social media is a curse
Social media, social media
There is nothing else like social media
So when you ask me whether
Social media is a boon or a curse
I will just reply that
It is both of the above
By Prachi Jha
A very good poem Dear!!